About the first Baptist Church
function y=unitstep(a); y=sign(a+eps)/2; Open Matlab .m file and paste the code in it save the .m file, by default it will save by its ... [...]
n=[-2:4] x_1_c=[-1/2 1 2/4 0 1 3 2] %%incrementing vectors%% x_2_c=[0 1 4 3 -1 -2 -3] figure subplot(2,1,1); stem(n,x_1_c,'f... [...]
x_b=[zeros(1,5) ones(1,6)] %%adding zeros and ones%% figure u=stem(n,x_b,'filled'); xlabel('n'); yla... [...]
n=[-5:5] x_a=[zeros(1,5) 1 zeros(1,5)] %%Zero padding%% stem(n,x_a,'filled'); xlabel('n'); ylabel('Amplitude... [...]
Question# 01:- Create a symmetric matrix ‘m’ with five rows and five columns. Calculate its transpose and verify ... [...]
The mini project in Digital signal processing: Paste this code in MATLAB and press F5 clc clear all close all %%%%%Question# 01%%%%% ... [...]